Of course my first thoughts were to make sure he had the best diet possible. Why would I feed him a diet filled with pesticides and fillers? I don’t eat that type of food so why would I give that to him? We have always given our pets lots of treats so not only did I put him on a wholesome diet but I began to bake his treats myself. My original goal was to make healthy treats only for him but as I began to bake it occurred to me that I could improve the lives of other dogs as well.
Thus The Lucky Lab was born, appropriately named for Hunter who stands at the oven and begs every time I bake a batch of treats. While he takes his tasting job very seriously, it’s the benefits of feeding him and all the other dogs I bake for that I love the most.
We hope you and your best friend enjoy these doggie delights, handmade with love from the finest and freshest ingredients.
Jennifer & Hunter Brouhard